


  • 游戏平台:GBA
  • 游戏大小:6.4MB
  • 发行日期:2023-05-26


天空地带 (Skyland) 是一款简单的实时战略游戏,你可以建造飞行城堡并与人工智能玩家战斗。还包括多人对战模式。游戏中的所有动作都发生在飞行城堡上。每个关卡最多包含两个岛屿,玩家控制一个岛屿,人工智能控制另一个岛屿。敌对的堡垒会攻击玩家,而中立或和平的岛屿可能会给玩家硬币、物品或方块。每个岛屿都由一层地形组成,玩家可以在上面建造建筑。游戏将所有结构概括为房间,尽管并非所有房间都可以被占用(例如,玩家不能将角色移动到坚固的房间,如大炮或墙壁)。要构建新房间,请打开构建菜单并选择构建场地、结构和房间。如果你没有收集到足够的硬币,或者没有建造足够的能量核心来维持新添加的东西,游戏可能会拒绝你建造结构的请求。您也可以通过用光标选择房间来从现有房间中抢救和恢复一些值。您可以随时暂停游戏进行调整。不过,频繁的停顿确实会对你的高潮产生一些影响。

All of the action in the game takes place on flying castles. At most two islands comprise each level, where the player controls one island, and an AI controls the other island. Hostile fortresses will attack the player, while neutral or peaceful islands may give the player coins, items, or blocks.
Each Island consists of a layer of terrain, atop of which the player can build structures. The game generalizes all structures as rooms, although not all rooms can be occupied (players cannot move characters into solid rooms, like cannons or walls, for instance).
To build new rooms, open up the construction menu and pick the construction site, structure and room. The game may reject your request to build structures, if you have not collected enough coins, or have not constructed enough power cores to sustain the new addition.
You may also salvage and recover some value from existing rooms, by selecting the room with the cursor.
You may pause the game to make adjustments at any time. Pausing frequently does affect your highscore a bit though.



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